• Paris agreement
  • Nationally determined contributions NDC
  • Paris agreement article 6
  • climate finance
  • NAMAs
  • Renewable Energy Germany
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climate policy, Nationally determined contributions NDC, climate finance, NAMAs, Renewable Energy Germany

climate policy, Paris agreement, Nationally determined contributions NDC, climate finance, NAMAs, Renewable Energy Germany

climate policy made in Germany

The complex "climate policy" results from numerous cofactors arising from the global economy's interdependence on carbon dioxide emitting hydrocarbon energy sources and because carbon dioxide is directly implicated in global warming, making global warming a non-traditional environmental challenge. climate policy

the greenwerk. is an advisory firm for climate finance and climate policy with a wide range of services for clients in both developing and developed countries.

Our work focuses on instruments and activities for enhanced access to climate finance and for promoting greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and renewable energy (RE) to combat global warming, as well as enhancing resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change. On climate finance, the greenwerk. navigates public and private actors from developed and developing countries through different layers of the climate finance landscape. We help to operationalize results of the Paris Agreement, clarify contentious technical definitions within the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), help implementing and upgrading Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), assess the impact of transformational climate finance, analyse improved involvement of finance institutions such as Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), observe the latest Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Standing Committee of Finance (SCF) developments and offer support for accessing various funding sources.

the greenwerk. contributes to a global knowledge transfer on climate finance and policy through facilitation of capacity development missions and trainings in various countries and sectors. Our focus hereby is on climate finance and GHG mitigation instruments and their linkages with the climate policy landscape. In addition, we author guidance documents, online courses, newsletters and various other publications.

our commitment

For mitigating anthropogenic climate change, we, at the greenwerk., strive for fair and sustainable use of global resources and access to renewable energy for all, as well as enhanced resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change. We support those that require specific expertise in responding to the increasing threats of man-made climate change. Hereby, we reflect the needs and capabilities of the most vulnerable, particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States.

the greenwerk. is committed to meet the highest quality and integrity standards and to work hand in hand with our partners.


the greenwerk. analyses key climate policy processes and supports the development of effective climate and energy policies, provides sectoral support based on the design of roadmaps and enabling environments, navigates our partners through different layers of the international climate finance landscape and conducts solid monitoring & evaluation (M&E) activities. Explore more details of what we do by clicking below.


the greenwerk. offers a full range of services for enhancing global knowledge transfer in the fields of climate finance and policy. Our work comprises advisory for decision makers from the public and private sector, facilitation of capacity development activities, and fostering research in the area of climate and energy policy measures. Explore more details of what we do by clicking below.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plays an important role in assessing the performance of projects, institutions and programmes and for enhancing the output, outcome and impact of respective activities, as well as for improving transparency. the greenwerk is engaged in M&E activities both in the field of GHG mitigation as well as the climate finance sphere. Moreover, we are active in evaluating projects and programmes according to key performance indicators, such as OECD DAC or GIZ Capacity Works.

Our strong expertise on creating innovative MRV approaches for GHG mitigation activities is based on experience with various GHG emission accounting standards, including practical knowledge from a decade of actively designing Clean Development Mechanism mitigation scenarios (incl. PoAs), as well as detailed background on international climate policies. the greenwerk. is actively supporting development cooperation partners since many years with GHG impact assessment (e.g., GIZ Climate Impact Tool) and was closely involved in the GIZ aggregated climate impact reporting and the plausibility check 2018 and 2020 (Indicator 10.1 GHG Emission Reductions, for the GIZ FMB). Moreover, we have developed several tools for estimating the carbon footprint of development cooperation projects.

Regarding climate finance tracking, we offer robust methodological and practical expertise. Over the past decade, we have evaluated and compared the UNFCCC, MDB and OECD Climate Finance tracking methodologies (i.e. Rio Marker Reporting System) and revealed benefits as well as shortcomings. Also, we assess the transparency of support received from a developing country perspective. Based on our deep understanding of the OECD Rio Markers and MDB Joint Reporting methodology, we evaluate the plausibility of international climate finance flows (e.g. for Germany). Moreover, we offer assessment and evaluation of climate finance reporting in the context of UNFCCC BR’s and the EU MMR system. Here, the greenwerk. has developed and implemented an IT-based tracking and assessment system for international climate finance flows (applied for the German Government). We also support developing countries with their climate finance tracking systems for reporting to the UNFCCC, and have authored respective guidance documents. Our experts are assessing and simulating the OECD Parties´ contributions towards the USD 100 billion goal and NCQG – from both the developed and developing country perspective.

Climate Policy

Climate policy sets the foundations for actions to combat anthropogenic climate change - be it on the international, national or local level. Since more than fifteen years we closely follow the multilateral climate negotiations under the UNFCCC and offer research, advisory services and capacity development in this respect.

This includes support in operationalizing elements of the Paris Agreement, clarify contentious technical definitions on the UNFCCC level such as questions around the USD 100 billion commitment / Post 2025 climate finance goal and transparency of support. We also assess the impact of transformational climate finance and analyse improved involvements of finance institutions such as MDBs. As part of the Climate Finance Advisory Service CFAS we observe the development of the multilateral climate finance architecture and actively support board members of the GCF and the Standing Committee on Finance from LDCs and developing countries prior and during meetings.

Moreover, we analyse the implementation of the Paris Agreements’ Articles towards national policies and examine the level of ambition of Parties in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Over the last decade, we have assessed various climate policy instruments in various sectors, including energy (policies and measures to foster the uptake of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures and sustainable transport), buildings, cement, amongst others.

the greenwerk. also has a long track record of working on carbon pricing instruments (including emissions trading schemes and offsetting mechanisms, carbon taxes, Article 6 mechanisms, sustainability of offsetting schemes and the aviation sector).

Climate Finance

Under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, developed countries committed themselves to provide new and additional financial resources to developing countries for addressing adaptation needs and enabling low-emission development pathways. Funding may flow through various bilateral and multilateral channels that are based on various frameworks and requirements. Among those are prominent climate funds such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which received substantial resource commitments to foster transformational change in developing countries. Through our advisory, research and capacity development activities, we navigate public and private actors from developed and developing countries through different layers of the climate finance landscape. From initial readiness activities to the elaboration of full funding proposals, our core focus lies on supporting countries or entities in accessing international climate finance funds.

With respect to the GCF, we have been covering the full scope of GCF proposal development, including the elaboration of concept notes and supporting documents. the greenwerk is also actively engaging in GCF Readiness and Support Programme activities since many years, in various countries and with many delivery partners. We have developed GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposals and are also engaged in the implementation of various approved Readiness activities. Hereby, we cover a broad spectrum of RSP objectives and outcomes, including country programming, pipeline development, stakeholder engagement, capacity building through trainings & workshops, knowledge products, designing of financing mechanisms, research & scoping, concept note development, NAP development, and NDC enhancement.

the greenwerk. is moreover actively supporting countries and agencies in developing documentation for GEF funding requests (PIFs, CEO Endorsement Packages). Since the early 2010s we are also spearheading the concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and have developed various NAMA concepts and funding requests with many donors. In this respect, our team has a long track record in supporting the development of concepts and NSP documents for the Mitigation Action Facility MAF (formerly NAMA Facility).

NDC & Sector Strategies

Tackling global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an imminent need for sustaining the earth for future generations. Worldwide, national governments and corporate entities are increasing their efforts to mitigate GHG emissions. the greenwerk. has outstanding experience with designing, applying and analyzing effective GHG mitigation instruments.

We have a clear focus on developing robust and effective policies and measures with mitigation benefits in developing countries (such as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – NAMAs and low-emission sector strategies) and their reflection in NDCs. Over the years, we have contributed to the design of numerous enabling environments, roadmaps, strategies, action plans and investment plans in various countries and sectors. Thematically, we inter alia focus on renewable energy supply and energy access, energy efficiency measures in the building and transport sector, e-mobility, green hydrogen as well as mitigation activities in the cement sector, amongst others.

Climate Policy

Climate policy sets the foundations for actions to combat anthropogenic climate change - be it on the international, national or local level. Since more than fifteen years we closely follow the multilateral climate negotiations under the UNFCCC and offer research, advisory services and capacity development in this respect.

This includes support in operationalizing elements of the Paris Agreement, clarify contentious technical definitions on the UNFCCC level such as questions around the USD 100 billion commitment / Post 2025 climate finance goal and transparency of support. We also assess the impact of transformational climate finance and analyse improved involvements of finance institutions such as MDBs. As part of the Climate Finance Advisory Service CFAS we observe the development of the multilateral climate finance architecture and actively support board members of the GCF and the Standing Committee on Finance from LDCs and developing countries prior and during meetings.

Moreover, we analyse the implementation of the Paris Agreements’ Articles towards national policies and examine the level of ambition of Parties in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Over the last decade, we have assessed various climate policy instruments in various sectors, including energy (policies and measures to foster the uptake of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures and sustainable transport), buildings, cement, amongst others.

the greenwerk. also has a long track record of working on carbon pricing instruments (including emissions trading schemes and offsetting mechanisms, carbon taxes, Article 6 mechanisms, sustainability of offsetting schemes and the aviation sector).

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plays an important role in assessing the performance of projects, institutions and programmes and for enhancing the output, outcome and impact of respective activities, as well as for improving transparency. the greenwerk is engaged in M&E activities both in the field of GHG mitigation as well as the climate finance sphere. Moreover, we are active in evaluating projects and programmes according to key performance indicators, such as OECD DAC or GIZ Capacity Works.

Our strong expertise on creating innovative MRV approaches for GHG mitigation activities is based on experience with various GHG emission accounting standards, including practical knowledge from a decade of actively designing Clean Development Mechanism mitigation scenarios (incl. PoAs), as well as detailed background on international climate policies. the greenwerk. is actively supporting development cooperation partners since many years with GHG impact assessment (e.g., GIZ Climate Impact Tool) and was closely involved in the GIZ aggregated climate impact reporting and the plausibility check 2018 and 2020 (Indicator 10.1 GHG Emission Reductions, for the GIZ FMB). Moreover, we have developed several tools for estimating the carbon footprint of development cooperation projects.

Regarding climate finance tracking, we offer robust methodological and practical expertise. Over the past decade, we have evaluated and compared the UNFCCC, MDB and OECD Climate Finance tracking methodologies (i.e. Rio Marker Reporting System) and revealed benefits as well as shortcomings. Also, we assess the transparency of support received from a developing country perspective. Based on our deep understanding of the OECD Rio Markers and MDB Joint Reporting methodology, we evaluate the plausibility of international climate finance flows (e.g. for Germany). Moreover, we offer assessment and evaluation of climate finance reporting in the context of UNFCCC BR’s and the EU MMR system. Here, the greenwerk. has developed and implemented an IT-based tracking and assessment system for international climate finance flows (applied for the German Government). We also support developing countries with their climate finance tracking systems for reporting to the UNFCCC, and have authored respective guidance documents. Our experts are assessing and simulating the OECD Parties´ contributions towards the USD 100 billion goal and NCQG – from both the developed and developing country perspective.

Climate Finance

Under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, developed countries committed themselves to provide new and additional financial resources to developing countries for addressing adaptation needs and enabling low-emission development pathways. Funding may flow through various bilateral and multilateral channels that are based on various frameworks and requirements. Among those are prominent climate funds such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which received substantial resource commitments to foster transformational change in developing countries. Through our advisory, research and capacity development activities, we navigate public and private actors from developed and developing countries through different layers of the climate finance landscape. From initial readiness activities to the elaboration of full funding proposals, our core focus lies on supporting countries or entities in accessing international climate finance funds.

With respect to the GCF, we have been covering the full scope of GCF proposal development, including the elaboration of concept notes and supporting documents. the greenwerk is also actively engaging in GCF Readiness and Support Programme activities since many years, in various countries and with many delivery partners. We have developed GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposals and are also engaged in the implementation of various approved Readiness activities. Hereby, we cover a broad spectrum of RSP objectives and outcomes, including country programming, pipeline development, stakeholder engagement, capacity building through trainings & workshops, knowledge products, designing of financing mechanisms, research & scoping, concept note development, NAP development, and NDC enhancement.

the greenwerk. is moreover actively supporting countries and agencies in developing documentation for GEF funding requests (PIFs, CEO Endorsement Packages). Since the early 2010s we are also spearheading the concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and have developed various NAMA concepts and funding requests with many donors. In this respect, our team has a long track record in supporting the development of concepts and NSP documents for the Mitigation Action Facility MAF (formerly NAMA Facility).

NDC & Sector Strategies

Tackling global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an imminent need for sustaining the earth for future generations. Worldwide, national governments and corporate entities are increasing their efforts to mitigate GHG emissions. the greenwerk. has outstanding experience with designing, applying and analyzing effective GHG mitigation instruments.

We have a clear focus on developing robust and effective policies and measures with mitigation benefits in developing countries (such as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – NAMAs and low-emission sector strategies) and their reflection in NDCs. Over the years, we have contributed to the design of numerous enabling environments, roadmaps, strategies, action plans and investment plans in various countries and sectors. Thematically, we inter alia focus on renewable energy supply and energy access, energy efficiency measures in the building and transport sector, e-mobility, green hydrogen as well as mitigation activities in the cement sector, amongst others.

Climate Finance

Under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, developed countries committed themselves to provide new and additional financial resources to developing countries for addressing adaptation needs and enabling low-emission development pathways. Funding may flow through various bilateral and multilateral channels that are based on various frameworks and requirements. Among those are prominent climate funds such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which received substantial resource commitments to foster transformational change in developing countries. Through our advisory, research and capacity development activities, we navigate public and private actors from developed and developing countries through different layers of the climate finance landscape. From initial readiness activities to the elaboration of full funding proposals, our core focus lies on supporting countries or entities in accessing international climate finance funds.

With respect to the GCF, we have been covering the full scope of GCF proposal development, including the elaboration of concept notes and supporting documents. the greenwerk is also actively engaging in GCF Readiness and Support Programme activities since many years, in various countries and with many delivery partners. We have developed GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposals and are also engaged in the implementation of various approved Readiness activities. Hereby, we cover a broad spectrum of RSP objectives and outcomes, including country programming, pipeline development, stakeholder engagement, capacity building through trainings & workshops, knowledge products, designing of financing mechanisms, research & scoping, concept note development, NAP development, and NDC enhancement.

the greenwerk. is moreover actively supporting countries and agencies in developing documentation for GEF funding requests (PIFs, CEO Endorsement Packages). Since the early 2010s we are also spearheading the concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and have developed various NAMA concepts and funding requests with many donors. In this respect, our team has a long track record in supporting the development of concepts and NSP documents for the Mitigation Action Facility MAF (formerly NAMA Facility).

Climate Policy

Climate policy sets the foundations for actions to combat anthropogenic climate change - be it on the international, national or local level. Since more than fifteen years we closely follow the multilateral climate negotiations under the UNFCCC and offer research, advisory services and capacity development in this respect.

This includes support in operationalizing elements of the Paris Agreement, clarify contentious technical definitions on the UNFCCC level such as questions around the USD 100 billion commitment / Post 2025 climate finance goal and transparency of support. We also assess the impact of transformational climate finance and analyse improved involvements of finance institutions such as MDBs. As part of the Climate Finance Advisory Service CFAS we observe the development of the multilateral climate finance architecture and actively support board members of the GCF and the Standing Committee on Finance from LDCs and developing countries prior and during meetings.

Moreover, we analyse the implementation of the Paris Agreements’ Articles towards national policies and examine the level of ambition of Parties in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Over the last decade, we have assessed various climate policy instruments in various sectors, including energy (policies and measures to foster the uptake of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures and sustainable transport), buildings, cement, amongst others.

the greenwerk. also has a long track record of working on carbon pricing instruments (including emissions trading schemes and offsetting mechanisms, carbon taxes, Article 6 mechanisms, sustainability of offsetting schemes and the aviation sector).

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plays an important role in assessing the performance of projects, institutions and programmes and for enhancing the output, outcome and impact of respective activities, as well as for improving transparency. the greenwerk is engaged in M&E activities both in the field of GHG mitigation as well as the climate finance sphere. Moreover, we are active in evaluating projects and programmes according to key performance indicators, such as OECD DAC or GIZ Capacity Works.

Our strong expertise on creating innovative MRV approaches for GHG mitigation activities is based on experience with various GHG emission accounting standards, including practical knowledge from a decade of actively designing Clean Development Mechanism mitigation scenarios (incl. PoAs), as well as detailed background on international climate policies. the greenwerk. is actively supporting development cooperation partners since many years with GHG impact assessment (e.g., GIZ Climate Impact Tool) and was closely involved in the GIZ aggregated climate impact reporting and the plausibility check 2018 and 2020 (Indicator 10.1 GHG Emission Reductions, for the GIZ FMB). Moreover, we have developed several tools for estimating the carbon footprint of development cooperation projects.

Regarding climate finance tracking, we offer robust methodological and practical expertise. Over the past decade, we have evaluated and compared the UNFCCC, MDB and OECD Climate Finance tracking methodologies (i.e. Rio Marker Reporting System) and revealed benefits as well as shortcomings. Also, we assess the transparency of support received from a developing country perspective. Based on our deep understanding of the OECD Rio Markers and MDB Joint Reporting methodology, we evaluate the plausibility of international climate finance flows (e.g. for Germany). Moreover, we offer assessment and evaluation of climate finance reporting in the context of UNFCCC BR’s and the EU MMR system. Here, the greenwerk. has developed and implemented an IT-based tracking and assessment system for international climate finance flows (applied for the German Government). We also support developing countries with their climate finance tracking systems for reporting to the UNFCCC, and have authored respective guidance documents. Our experts are assessing and simulating the OECD Parties´ contributions towards the USD 100 billion goal and NCQG – from both the developed and developing country perspective.

NDC & Sector Strategies

Tackling global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an imminent need for sustaining the earth for future generations. Worldwide, national governments and corporate entities are increasing their efforts to mitigate GHG emissions. the greenwerk. has outstanding experience with designing, applying and analyzing effective GHG mitigation instruments.

We have a clear focus on developing robust and effective policies and measures with mitigation benefits in developing countries (such as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – NAMAs and low-emission sector strategies) and their reflection in NDCs. Over the years, we have contributed to the design of numerous enabling environments, roadmaps, strategies, action plans and investment plans in various countries and sectors. Thematically, we inter alia focus on renewable energy supply and energy access, energy efficiency measures in the building and transport sector, e-mobility, green hydrogen as well as mitigation activities in the cement sector, amongst others.

NDC & Sector Strategies

Tackling global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is an imminent need for sustaining the earth for future generations. Worldwide, national governments and corporate entities are increasing their efforts to mitigate GHG emissions. the greenwerk. has outstanding experience with designing, applying and analyzing effective GHG mitigation instruments.

We have a clear focus on developing robust and effective policies and measures with mitigation benefits in developing countries (such as Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – NAMAs and low-emission sector strategies) and their reflection in NDCs. Over the years, we have contributed to the design of numerous enabling environments, roadmaps, strategies, action plans and investment plans in various countries and sectors. Thematically, we inter alia focus on renewable energy supply and energy access, energy efficiency measures in the building and transport sector, e-mobility, green hydrogen as well as mitigation activities in the cement sector, amongst others.

Climate Policy

Climate policy sets the foundations for actions to combat anthropogenic climate change - be it on the international, national or local level. Since more than fifteen years we closely follow the multilateral climate negotiations under the UNFCCC and offer research, advisory services and capacity development in this respect.

This includes support in operationalizing elements of the Paris Agreement, clarify contentious technical definitions on the UNFCCC level such as questions around the USD 100 billion commitment / Post 2025 climate finance goal and transparency of support. We also assess the impact of transformational climate finance and analyse improved involvements of finance institutions such as MDBs. As part of the Climate Finance Advisory Service CFAS we observe the development of the multilateral climate finance architecture and actively support board members of the GCF and the Standing Committee on Finance from LDCs and developing countries prior and during meetings.

Moreover, we analyse the implementation of the Paris Agreements’ Articles towards national policies and examine the level of ambition of Parties in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Over the last decade, we have assessed various climate policy instruments in various sectors, including energy (policies and measures to foster the uptake of renewable energy, energy efficiency measures and sustainable transport), buildings, cement, amongst others.

the greenwerk. also has a long track record of working on carbon pricing instruments (including emissions trading schemes and offsetting mechanisms, carbon taxes, Article 6 mechanisms, sustainability of offsetting schemes and the aviation sector).

Climate Finance

Under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, developed countries committed themselves to provide new and additional financial resources to developing countries for addressing adaptation needs and enabling low-emission development pathways. Funding may flow through various bilateral and multilateral channels that are based on various frameworks and requirements. Among those are prominent climate funds such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) or the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which received substantial resource commitments to foster transformational change in developing countries. Through our advisory, research and capacity development activities, we navigate public and private actors from developed and developing countries through different layers of the climate finance landscape. From initial readiness activities to the elaboration of full funding proposals, our core focus lies on supporting countries or entities in accessing international climate finance funds.

With respect to the GCF, we have been covering the full scope of GCF proposal development, including the elaboration of concept notes and supporting documents. the greenwerk is also actively engaging in GCF Readiness and Support Programme activities since many years, in various countries and with many delivery partners. We have developed GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposals and are also engaged in the implementation of various approved Readiness activities. Hereby, we cover a broad spectrum of RSP objectives and outcomes, including country programming, pipeline development, stakeholder engagement, capacity building through trainings & workshops, knowledge products, designing of financing mechanisms, research & scoping, concept note development, NAP development, and NDC enhancement.

the greenwerk. is moreover actively supporting countries and agencies in developing documentation for GEF funding requests (PIFs, CEO Endorsement Packages). Since the early 2010s we are also spearheading the concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and have developed various NAMA concepts and funding requests with many donors. In this respect, our team has a long track record in supporting the development of concepts and NSP documents for the Mitigation Action Facility MAF (formerly NAMA Facility).

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plays an important role in assessing the performance of projects, institutions and programmes and for enhancing the output, outcome and impact of respective activities, as well as for improving transparency. the greenwerk is engaged in M&E activities both in the field of GHG mitigation as well as the climate finance sphere. Moreover, we are active in evaluating projects and programmes according to key performance indicators, such as OECD DAC or GIZ Capacity Works.

Our strong expertise on creating innovative MRV approaches for GHG mitigation activities is based on experience with various GHG emission accounting standards, including practical knowledge from a decade of actively designing Clean Development Mechanism mitigation scenarios (incl. PoAs), as well as detailed background on international climate policies. the greenwerk. is actively supporting development cooperation partners since many years with GHG impact assessment (e.g., GIZ Climate Impact Tool) and was closely involved in the GIZ aggregated climate impact reporting and the plausibility check 2018 and 2020 (Indicator 10.1 GHG Emission Reductions, for the GIZ FMB). Moreover, we have developed several tools for estimating the carbon footprint of development cooperation projects.

Regarding climate finance tracking, we offer robust methodological and practical expertise. Over the past decade, we have evaluated and compared the UNFCCC, MDB and OECD Climate Finance tracking methodologies (i.e. Rio Marker Reporting System) and revealed benefits as well as shortcomings. Also, we assess the transparency of support received from a developing country perspective. Based on our deep understanding of the OECD Rio Markers and MDB Joint Reporting methodology, we evaluate the plausibility of international climate finance flows (e.g. for Germany). Moreover, we offer assessment and evaluation of climate finance reporting in the context of UNFCCC BR’s and the EU MMR system. Here, the greenwerk. has developed and implemented an IT-based tracking and assessment system for international climate finance flows (applied for the German Government). We also support developing countries with their climate finance tracking systems for reporting to the UNFCCC, and have authored respective guidance documents. Our experts are assessing and simulating the OECD Parties´ contributions towards the USD 100 billion goal and NCQG – from both the developed and developing country perspective.


the greenwerk. offers advisory services to allow informed decision making towards a better climate, including policy concepts for developing countries, tailored technical support at UNFCCC negotiations or GCF Board meetings, GHG mitigation strategies, institutional capacity development or stakeholder engagement, amongst others. We work with policy makers and political decision makers in both developing and developed countries, development cooperation professionals, UN agencies, and many further stakeholders in the fields of climate finance and climate policy, GHG mitigation, sustainable energy and enhanced resilience.

Our advisory work particularly targets those that require specific expertise in responding to the increasing threats of anthropogenic climate change. We hereby reflect the needs and capabilities of the most vulnerable, particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. We strive for highest quality and integrity standards in our work and are committed to identify expedient solutions - always in close collaboration with our partners.

Capacity Development

the greenwerk. contributes to a global knowledge transfer on climate finance and climate policy through capacity development missions, comprehensive workshops and trainings for bringing together global expertise in various countries and sectors, for numerous clients. We offer capacity development services in both physical and virtual settings. For the latter we are equipped with a broad arsenal of online tools such as learning management systems for online courses, webinar platforms or virtual workshop resources, including white boards and polling instruments. In addition, we author guidance documents, newsletters and various other publications to support knowledge dissemination.

the greenwerk. actively conducts trainings of junior experts on climate finance and climate policy. We offer custom tailored internships, trainee programmes, research support for master thesis, freelance opportunities as well as junior employment plans.


Some climate policy fields require further scientific exploration. This is where research activities of the greenwerk. aim to foster innovative solutions, fulfilling highest scientific standards of peer-reviewed publications. The promotion of PhD and master student activities responding to on-the-ground challenges are of high relevance for the greenwerk.

Through presentations at conferences, UNFCCC side events or workshops, the greenwerk. seeks to foster knowledge sharing on the current state of affairs and pressing needs in climate finance and climate policy with institutions and individual experts worldwide.

Capacity Development

the greenwerk. contributes to a global knowledge transfer on climate finance and climate policy through capacity development missions, comprehensive workshops and trainings for bringing together global expertise in various countries and sectors, for numerous clients. We offer capacity development services in both physical and virtual settings. For the latter we are equipped with a broad arsenal of online tools such as learning management systems for online courses, webinar platforms or virtual workshop resources, including white boards and polling instruments. In addition, we author guidance documents, newsletters and various other publications to support knowledge dissemination.

the greenwerk. actively conducts trainings of junior experts on climate finance and climate policy. We offer custom tailored internships, trainee programmes, research support for master thesis, freelance opportunities as well as junior employment plans.


the greenwerk. offers advisory services to allow informed decision making towards a better climate, including policy concepts for developing countries, tailored technical support at UNFCCC negotiations or GCF Board meetings, GHG mitigation strategies, institutional capacity development or stakeholder engagement, amongst others. We work with policy makers and political decision makers in both developing and developed countries, development cooperation professionals, UN agencies, and many further stakeholders in the fields of climate finance and climate policy, GHG mitigation, sustainable energy and enhanced resilience.

Our advisory work particularly targets those that require specific expertise in responding to the increasing threats of anthropogenic climate change. We hereby reflect the needs and capabilities of the most vulnerable, particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. We strive for highest quality and integrity standards in our work and are committed to identify expedient solutions - always in close collaboration with our partners.


Some climate policy fields require further scientific exploration. This is where research activities of the greenwerk. aim to foster innovative solutions, fulfilling highest scientific standards of peer-reviewed publications. The promotion of PhD and master student activities responding to on-the-ground challenges are of high relevance for the greenwerk.

Through presentations at conferences, UNFCCC side events or workshops, the greenwerk. seeks to foster knowledge sharing on the current state of affairs and pressing needs in climate finance and climate policy with institutions and individual experts worldwide.


Some climate policy fields require further scientific exploration. This is where research activities of the greenwerk. aim to foster innovative solutions, fulfilling highest scientific standards of peer-reviewed publications. The promotion of PhD and master student activities responding to on-the-ground challenges are of high relevance for the greenwerk.

Through presentations at conferences, UNFCCC side events or workshops, the greenwerk. seeks to foster knowledge sharing on the current state of affairs and pressing needs in climate finance and climate policy with institutions and individual experts worldwide.

Capacity Development

the greenwerk. contributes to a global knowledge transfer on climate finance and climate policy through capacity development missions, comprehensive workshops and trainings for bringing together global expertise in various countries and sectors, for numerous clients. We offer capacity development services in both physical and virtual settings. For the latter we are equipped with a broad arsenal of online tools such as learning management systems for online courses, webinar platforms or virtual workshop resources, including white boards and polling instruments. In addition, we author guidance documents, newsletters and various other publications to support knowledge dissemination.

the greenwerk. actively conducts trainings of junior experts on climate finance and climate policy. We offer custom tailored internships, trainee programmes, research support for master thesis, freelance opportunities as well as junior employment plans.


the greenwerk. offers advisory services to allow informed decision making towards a better climate, including policy concepts for developing countries, tailored technical support at UNFCCC negotiations or GCF Board meetings, GHG mitigation strategies, institutional capacity development or stakeholder engagement, amongst others. We work with policy makers and political decision makers in both developing and developed countries, development cooperation professionals, UN agencies, and many further stakeholders in the fields of climate finance and climate policy, GHG mitigation, sustainable energy and enhanced resilience.

Our advisory work particularly targets those that require specific expertise in responding to the increasing threats of anthropogenic climate change. We hereby reflect the needs and capabilities of the most vulnerable, particularly Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States. We strive for highest quality and integrity standards in our work and are committed to identify expedient solutions - always in close collaboration with our partners.

Asian Development Bank

Our experts contributed to a study on the design and implementation (e.g. baseline, MRV, institutions) of a “Fuel Security Credit Mechanism” that promotes energy security and decreased fuel consumption (with Perspectives Climate Group).

CDC Climat

Our experts conducted CDM PoA management of a multi-country programme in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region applying renewable energies for power generation (wind, solar PV and solar CSP). Development of PoA design, PoA documentation, grid emission factor(s), support for PoA validation and registration and support for the monitoring of the PoA (with Perspectives Climate Group).

CAN International

Our experts evaluated the outcomes of CAN International’s project “Coordinating Civil Society Organisations in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”. Based on a review of project documentation and interviews with relevant stakeholders, CAN International’s activities have been assessed against a set of criteria, including relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability (OECD DAC Standards). This project has been conducted in a consortium with the Climate Advisers Network.

Climate Works

Together with Fraunhofer ISI and New Climate Institute, we have contributed to the report "How energy efficiency cuts costs for a 2 degree future" that was commissioned by Climate Works. The report focuses primarily on the US, EU, India, China, Brazil and Mexico, and found an overall and significant dollar value reduction for the costs when compared to more energy intensive decarbonization pathways. The report also addresses a number of regional policy gaps, which will be of use to policy makers (including for INDCs), and funders looking for opportunities to keep global warming to 2 degrees or less.

Department for International Development

Our experts conducted an assessment and concept development for the introduction and development of a standardized baseline under the Clean Development Mechanism for the Ethiopian national electricity grid for an upscaled participation of underrepresented countries (with Perspectives Climate Group).

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

We provided the Project Management for identifying policy and technology actions needed to achieve a sustainable low-carbon future for the Egyptian cement industry, with the aim of mitigating GHG emissions from fossil fuel use and laying the foundations for further emissions reduction in line with international best practices. The result of the project is a Low-Carbon Roadmap for the Egyptian Cement Industry until 2030 (2015-2018; in collaboration with South Pole Group, Switzerland).

European Commission

Our experts contributed to enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural disasters in Europe. This included the assessment of economic instruments like insurances, taxes, market-based mechanisms, and risk sharing that promote adaptation within the EU (with Perspectives Climate Group).

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)

Jointly with Germanwatch e.V. and New Climate Institute, the greenwerk. elaborated 2°C-compatible investment criteria for international finance institutions. Hereby, we focused on assessing investment criteria for climate resilience and adaptation.

Our experts also contribute to the assessment of international climate finance pledges to reach the USD 100 billion goal for the BMU. Our experts furthermore led an international research consortium for assessing the Joint Crediting Mechanism and consulted the BMU on how to integrate the JCM in a future climate policy framework (both (with Perspectives Climate Group).

Also, we contributed to:

• Strategies for carbon market development in African Least Developed Countries (LDC) – Development of practical approaches and strategies for increased participation in the carbon markets, by investigating requirements and demands on institutional structures, processes for data collection and practical application of standardized approaches, e.g. standardized baselines (SBLs)

• Development of a tool to calculate the impact of private and public allocation parameters on international climate finance contributions

• Analysis of the international climate finance architecture, assessment of institutional GCF/GEF/AF frameworks and development of policy recommendations

• Studies on the practicability of the CDM to transition towards future climate policy instruments


the greenwerk. is part of the “Climate Finance Advisory Service” (CFAS), which supports the most vulnerable countries, in particular Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and African States, in navigating their way through the international landscape of climate finance. Our experts provide technical support in relation to the GCF Board meetings and elaborate guidance on core topics for SIDS and LDCs ahead of international climate change negotiations, such as COPs, SBs and meetings of the Standing Committee on Finance.

CFAS is funded by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and managed by Germanwatch e.V. It omprises of several consortium partners, including the greenwerk. For further information see: https://www.cfas.info.


We support the GIZ, Germany’s main service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, in particular on climate impact assessment, climate finance reporting and sustainable energy promotion. A selection of our recent projects include:

• Supporting the NAMA Facility in assessing the plausibility of mitigation figures communicated by NSPs, taking into consideration the broad variety of sectors, approaches and methodologies. This project is implemented in a consortium with Perspectives Climate Group

• Consultancy to support existing IT-based applications to illustrate and analyse the German climate finance flows, aiming to make climate finance reporting under the UNFCCC more efficient

• Aggregated Climate Impact Reporting: Developing a methodology for aggregated impact reporting of GIZ’s climate project portfolio in various sectors

• Evaluation of the German OECD DAC Rio Markers based climate finance data and support of preparing the reporting templates under the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR) and UNFCCC Biennial Reporting framework

• Development of Climate Finance Advisory Service (CFAS) policy briefs ahead of COP22 until COP25

• Support of the Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) as NAMA Consultant in the preparation of a NAMA Support Project (NSP) Outline for the 6th Call of the NAMA Facility

• Support in the systematic measuring of potentially negative climate impacts of GIZ projects (carbon footprint): Development of a method for measuring the carbon footprint and identifying opportunities for compensation of the carbon footprint of its activities. This project was implemented in a consortium with Perspectives Climate Group

• Renewable Off-Grid Components of NDCs and their Role for Climate Change Mitigation: We were a partner in a research project quantifying the mitigation impact of RE technologies for providing electricity access, analysing the respective socio-economic benefits of off-grid solutions and developing NDC revision blueprints for selected NDC focus countries. This project was implemented in a consortium with the Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI) and Climate Advisers Network

• Building sector and NDCs: Our experts conducted a study for the Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (PEEB) on the role of the building sector within the mitigation component of NDCs. The study focused on two country cases, namely Mexico and Morocco and includes an integrated sector approach. This project was implemented in a consortium with local experts and Perspectives Climate Group

• Ad-hoc advisory serve to the Climate Policy Support Programme: In cooperation with adelphi consult, the greenwerk. provided ad-hoc consultancy services related to climate finance, mitigation and international climate change negotiations

the greenwerk. has supported the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) with several sectoral and climate funding project activities:

• To successfully implement its ambitious energy transition targets, Barbados will require a greater institutional capability of the responsible agencies as well as the underlying educational sector. The IDB and the Government of Barbados commissioned the greenwerk. and its consortium partners GSEC, RENAC and Energiewende Consult to develop educational and professional strengthening initiatives including training, certification and licensing for Barbados’ educational and governmental institutions.

• With our partners at CEMENTIS we developed a Low-carbon Development Roadmap for the Chilean Cement Industry. The main objective of the project was to identify the required policies and technological actions to achieve a sustainable path of low emissions for the Chilean cement industry, in line with international best practices.

• Our experts contributed to the development of a vulnerability assessment, climate impact monitoring and adaptation options for two micro financing institutions in the context of the IDB-funded ECOMICRO project (with Perspectives Climate Group).


Our experts contributed to the development of 2 versions of IRENA´s handbook for renewable energy NAMAs (with Perspectives Climate Group).


Our experts contributed to the first and second phase of the support programme for Coordinating and Managing Entities (CMEs) of PoAs for improved performance and reduced risks through the provision of assistance services, including tailored advice on-site and the development of a web based information and assistance platform for Programme of Activities (PoA Platform) providing consolidated information and active assistance to PoAs and their stakeholders (e.g. CME / monitoring staff / CPA managers); Project management for proving assistance on management and operational procedures to an Improved Cook Stoves PoA in Uganda (with Perspectives Climate Group).

Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MEECC)

Since 2016, the greenwerk. is assisting the Government of the Republic of Seychelles / Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (MEECC) in identifying and accessing international climate finance for the implementation of the Seychelles' 100% Renewable Energy Strategy (SeyRES 100). the greenwerk. has provided the GoS necessary conceptional documents for applying at international climate finance sources.

This inter alia entails the preparation of a NAMA Support Project Outline for the “NAMA on 100% renewable power supply by 2035 for the Seychelles” to apply for funds under the NAMA Facility (4th Call) and the development of a proposal to the GCF under the Simplified Approval Process (SAP) that shall help creating the enabling environment and improve the framework conditions for the implementation of the SeyRES 100.


Our experts supported the development of a detailed Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) concept for the solid-waste sector in Peru and a NAMA development for the cement sector in Vietnam, with a especial focus on the baseline, emission trends and marginal abatement cost curves (MACC) (with Perspectives Climate Group).

RENAC - renewables academy

Our experts supported RENAC in the development and review of several online courses:

• Development of learning material for “Accessing climate finance options in Latin America”
• Development of a course on “Carbon Pricing Mechanisms”
• Review of the course “Climate Finance”
• Development of a course on “Accessing climate finance options in Southeast Asia”

This included the development of a course concept, drafting the content (incl. related exercises) and the provision of supplementary teaching material (videos, virtual classroom).

In addition, our experts regularly contribute to virtual classroom sessions on the topic of international climate finance.


For the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the greenwerk. assessed environmental and social safeguards of Multilateral Development and Investment Banks.

In collaboration with Perspectives Climate Group our experts provided technical support for the GCF and AF Board and contributed to the advancement of an innovative adaptation indicator concept and upgrade of existing recipient institutions for GCF accreditation.


the greenwerk. conducted a study on the relations of CORSIA and the market mechanisms under Article 6. We also facilitated a UBA workshop on the role of the CORSIA in the light of the Paris Agreement and Article 6.

We furthermore conducted a study on how to enhance the role of co-benefits and investigated the Sustainable Development Indicators for Carbon Market Mechanisms under the Paris Agreement (Article 6) (implemented in cooperation with the New Climate Institute).

Staff of the greenwerk. has moreover contributed to numerous studies on market-based instruments under the UNFCCC for UBA over the past years.

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Our experts have supported the UNDP on several occasions:

• GCF private sector engagement: Our experts facilitated private sector engagement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The scope of work included stakeholder consultation of the private sector, assessment of barriers and opportunities for climate finance, the design and development of assessment tools, information materials and training to enhance the capacity of the private sector to effectively access climate finance.

• Development of a transport NAMA proposal: Our experts supported the development of a Bus-Rapid-Transport (BRT) NAMA in Tanzania. This project was implemented for Perspectives Climate Group.

• MRV systems for NAMAs: Our experts contributed to the development of MRV system proposals for corporate NAMAs in Chile and Mexico, and support in participating businesses in adopting and implementing these MRV systems in their specific value chains (with Perspectives Climate Group).

• Furthermore, we were engaged in promoting Low Carbon Investment in Sudan through methodological support for development of a LEDS strategy and the suitable NAMA framework (with Perspectives Climate Group).

• We were involved in the development of a comprehensive NAMA guidebook for the UNDP LECB programme and UNFCCC, with focus on financing and MRV of NAMAs (2013, with Perspectives Climate Group).

UN Environment

We were assigned by UN Environment for several sectoral and climate funding project activities:

• Global Environment Facility (GEF) project preparation of the “Accelerating the introduction of low-emission and climate-resilient electric mobility in Grenada” project under the Global Programme to Support Countries with the Shift to Electric Mobility.

• Supporting UNEP’s GCF Readiness Projects on “NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support” for Serbia, Albania and Montenegro through screening and prioritization of project ideas for the GCF country programmes, including the preparation, facilitation and moderation of several physical and virtual stakeholder engagement workshops.

• For UN Environment’s District Energy in Cities Initiative developing the funding proposal for the GEF CEO Endorsement Request of the project “Accelerating investment in efficient and renewable district energy systems in Chile”.

• Our experts also contributed as author to UNEP’S Cities and Carbon Finance: “A feasibility study on an Urban CDM - an assessment of priority sectors for emission reductions in urban context”.

UNEP DTU Partnership

Our experts have supported the UNEP DTU Partnership on several occasions:

• GCF Proposal Development in Mongolia: the greenwerk. supported the development of a funding proposal in the area of District Energy.
• MRV for District Energy: the greenwerk. developed a generic city level monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) framework for district energy

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

Our experts supported UN ESCAP on several occasions:

• Organising and facilitating workshops on green banking in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Philippines, which brought together key stakeholders from the financial sector.

• Conducting a study on the status of implementation of NDC´s in 5 selected countries in Asia-Pacific.

• Development of a guidebook for identifying opportunities to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement in Asia-Pacific.


Our experts contributed to two climate finance training workshops on "CDM project finance and additionality assessment" for UNFCCC staff (with Perspectives Climate Group).

Urban Research Institute (URI)

the greenwerk. has been engaged by URI to support the implementation of the GCF Readiness project “Enhancement of the existing NDC in Albania” with a focus on capacity building activities, elaboration of energy efficiency related elements of the NDC and the development of an NDC progress tracking manual.

The World Bank

For the World Bank, we were involved in developing an initial NAMA concept paper and NAMA guidance document on energy efficiency measures for the Macedonian public building sector, including Recommendation Paper for policy makers (with Perspectives Climate Group).


the greenwerk. combines over 50 years of experience in the fields of climate finance, climate policy and sustainable energy as well as in international development cooperation. We have a multidisciplinary background from energy and environmental engineering, political science and economics. Our team is curious, professional, experienced, skilled, friendly, open minded, authentic and highly motivated. Join us on our journey – towards a better climate!




















































































For us it is clear that implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals with a fair and sustainable use of global resources is the key to mitigating anthropogenic climate change and finding global solutions for climate justice.

The focus of our consulting is on the people. We are truly convinced that real transition processes require ownership and need to be steered from within the countries. For enabling successful climate policies we therefore act as partners that help our partner-countries in achieving their goals in a most country driven and self-sustaining manner.

At the same time, we know that successful consulting is hard work. We have demanding quality standards, which guide us to ensure high quality outputs, maximum transparency, fair treatment of our partners and experts every day. We strive towards adopting a sustainable and ethical attitude to our work and everyday life, including environmental and ethical aspects.

Over the past years, this has allowed the greenwerk. to successfully partner with various governments, multi-national organizations and the private sector to develop numerous exciting projects, including inter alia:

climate policy clients

Get an overview of our clients and projects in the fields climate policy, nationally determined contributions NDC, climate finance, NAMAs, Renewable Energy Germany and the Paris agreement consulting.


Experts of the greenwerk. have contributed to the following selected list of publications (full list available upon request):

The Sustainable Infrastructure Pension

The Sustainable Infrastructure Pension

Michel Köhler, Doctoral thesis, Europa-Universität Flensburg; (2024)

Effectiveness of Climate Finance – How to Enhance the Impact Measurement

Effectiveness of Climate Finance – How to Enhance the Impact Measurement

Berta Argueta, Raju Pandit Chhetri,Lena Dovidat, David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Jannik Landwehr, David Ryfisch, Stefan Wehner; (2024)

Towards a political compromise on the contributor base question within the NCQG

Towards a political compromise on the contributor base question within the NCQG

Berta Argueta, Julia Grimm, David Eckstein, Lena Dovidat, Michel Köhler, David Ryfisch; (2024)

Additional potential of energy efficiency for the enhancement of Albania’s NDC 2030

Additional potential of energy efficiency for the enhancement of Albania’s NDC 2030

Entela Kallamata, Michel Köhler, Lasse Ohlsen, Edlir Vokopola, Stefan Wehner; (2023)

State of implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures

State of implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures

Dritan Gorica, Michel Köhler, Lasse Ohlsen, Edlir Vokopola, Stefan Wehner; (2023)

Manual for monitoring the NDC 2021-2030

Manual for monitoring the NDC 2021-2030

Entela Kallamata, Michel Köhler, Edlir Vokopola, Stefan Wehner; (2023)


Process Proposal for Defining the New Collective Quantified Goal

Process Proposal for Defining the New Collective Quantified Goal

Bertha Argueta, Björn Dransfeld, David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Michel Köhler, David Ryfisch; (2022)

Just Transition Finance

Just Transition Finance

Bertha Argueta, Julia Grimm, Michel Köhler, Jannik Landwehr, David Ryfisch; (2022)

Is 1.5°C within Reach in the Asia-Pacific Region?

Is 1.5°C within Reach in the Asia-Pacific Region?

Mozaharul Alam, Björn Dransfeld, Riina Haavisto, Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Lubomir Kalniev, Christine Nettersheim, Aneta Nikolova, Amy Reggers, Hannah Ryder, Sudhir Sharma, Katinka Weinberger, Samira Yasmin; (2021)

Making finance flows consistent with the Paris Agreement: Opportunities and challenges concerning Article 2.1c

Making finance flows consistent with the Paris Agreement: Opportunities and challenges concerning Article 2.1c

Alexandra Goritz, Christine Nettersheim, David Ryfisc; (2021)

Access to climate finance for the most vulnerable

Access to climate finance for the most vulnerable

Bertha Argueta, Raju Pandit Chhetri, David Eckstein, Michel Köhler; (2021)

Accelerating implementation of the paris agreement in the Asia-Pacific region

Accelerating implementation of the Paris agreement in the Asia-Pacific region

Aneta Nikolova, Björn Dransfeld, Christine Nettersheim, Hannah Ryder, Jascha Deeken, Katinka Weinberger, Lasse Ohlsen, Mallory Bellairs, Michel Köhler, Stefan Wehner, Stefanos Fotiou; (2020)

The USD 100 billion goal and lessons learned for the future of international climate finance

The USD 100 billion goal and lessons learned for the future of international climate finance

Christine Nettersheim, Julia Grimm, Martin Voss, Michel Köhler, Raju Pandit Chhetri, Sven Harmeling; (2020)

Options for the post-2025 climate finance goal

Options for the post-2025 climate finance goal

Raju Pandit Chhetri, Björn Dransfeld, Sven Harmeling, Michel Köhler, Christine Nettersheim; (2020)

Progress of NDC Implementation in Asia Pacific

Progress of NDC Implementation in Asia Pacific – Framework and Preliminary Findings

Aneta Nikolova, Hannah Ryder, Mallory Bellairs, Mozaharul Alam, Sudhir Sharma, Björn Dransfeld; (2020)

Indicators for sustainable development under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Indicators for sustainable development under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Aki Kachi, Silke Mooldijk, Björn Dransfeld; (2020)

Indicators for the promotion of sustainable development in carbon market mechanisms

Indicators for the promotion of sustainable development in carbon market mechanisms

Thomas Day, Tessa Schiefer, Ritika Tewari, Aki Kachi, Carsten Warnecke, Silke Mooldijk, Björn Dransfeld, Stefan Wehner, Laura Brauhardt; (2020)

A Strategic Approach towards 100% Renewable Energy in Seychelles

A Strategic Approach towards 100% Renewable Energy in Seychelles

Stefan Wehner, Björn Dransfeld, Michel Köhler; (2020)

Exploring the Potential of the Seychelles Pension Fund to Finance the Renewable Energy Transition

Exploring the Potential of the Seychelles Pension Fund to Finance the Renewable Energy Transition

Michel Köhler; (2020)

Off-Grid Renewable Energy for Climate Action

Off-Grid Renewable Energy for Climate Action

Philipp Blechinger, Michel Köhler, Clara Jütte, Sarah Berendes, Christine Nettersheim; (2019)

Transparency of Support – Development of the Common Tabular Format

Transparency of Support – Development of the Common Tabular Format

Michel Köhler, Christine Nettersheim and David Ryfisch; (2019)

Determining the Needs of Developing Countries to Implement the Paris Agreement and the Convention

Determining the Needs of Developing Countries to Implement the Paris Agreement and the Convention

Jean Paul Brice Affana, Björn Dransfeld, Sven Harmeling and Raju Pandit Chhetri; (2019)

District Energy Projects: MRV Framework Guidance

District Energy Projects: MRV Framework Guidance

Stefan Wehner, contributions from Pilar Lapuente Fuentes, Xianli Zhu, Sonja Malicevic, Benjamin Hickman, Romanas Savickas, Lipeng Zhang, Zhuolun Chen, Celia Martinez Juez; (2019)

CFAS Climate Finance Guide: COP24 Katowice

CFAS Climate Finance Guide: COP24 Katowice

Raju Chhetri, Björn Dransfeld, David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Christine Nettersheim; (2018)

Predictability of International Climate Finance under the Paris Agreement

Predictability of International Climate Finance under the Paris Agreement

Christine Nettersheim, Michel Köhler; (2018)

Achieving 100% Renewable Energies for Small Island Developing States

Achieving 100% Renewable Energies for Small Island Developing States

Stefan Wehner, Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer, Björn Dransfeld, Michel Köhler, Sünje Callsen, Christine Nettersheim; (2017)

CFAS Policy Brief: Status quo of international Adaptation Finance

CFAS Policy Brief: Status quo of international Adaptation Finance

Raju Pandit Chhetri, Michel Köhler, Björn Dransfeld, Christine Nettersheim; (2017)

CFAS Policy Brief: Transparency of Support Received

CFAS Policy Brief: Transparency of Support Received

Sandra Guzmán, Björn Dransfeld, Christine Nettersheim, Michel Köhler; (2017)

Global MBM Sheme for international Aviation

Design of an Offset System as Global MBM Sheme for international Aviation in the Light of the Paris Agreement

Andreas Arvanitakis, Björn Dransfeld; (2017)

Investing in Ambition

SD-Benefits in Future Market Mechanisms under the UNFCCC

Björn Dransfeld, Stefan Wehner, Tanushree Bagh, Patrick Bürgi, Ingo Puhl, Madlaina Zegg, Valentin Friedmann, Stephan Hoch, Matthias Honegger, Axel Michaelowa, Linde Warland; (2016)

India's pathway to 100% renewable power generation

Policy Brief 11/2016:
India's pathway to 100% renewable power generation

Felix Röben, Michel Köhler; (2016)

Investing in Ambition

Investing in Ambition

Lutz Weischer, Linde Warland, David Eckstein, Stephan Hoch, Axel Michaelowa, Michel Koehler, Stefan Wehner; (2016)

EBRD Cement roadmap

Low Carbon Roadmap for the Egyptian Cement Industry

Bruno Vanderborght, Francisco Koch, Laurent Grimmeisen, Stefan Wehner, Piet Hein Heersche, Jean-Pierre Degré; (2016)

CFAS Climate Finance Guide for COP 22

CFAS Climate Finance Guide for COP 22

David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Christine Grüning, Sven Harmeling, Henriette Imelda, Michel Köhler, Raju Pandit; (2016)

CFAS Fact Sheet - Reporting of climate finance under the UNFCCC

Reporting of climate finance under the UNFCCC

Sandra Guzmán, Michel Köhler, David Eckstein; (2016)

Developing 2°C-Compatible Investment Criteria

Developing 2°C-Compatible Investment Criteria

Contributions from Michel Köhler, Björn Dransfeld, Elena Steffens3; (2015)

How Energy Efficiency Cuts Costs For A 2-Degree Future

How Energy Efficiency Cuts Costs For A 2-Degree Future

Jakob Wachsmuth, Hanna Fekete, Björn Dransfeld, Felix Röben, Vicki Duscha, Matthias Reuter, Markus Hagemann, Niklas Höhne; (2015)

Practicability of Transitioning from CDM to Future Climate Policy Instruments

Practicability of Transitioning from CDM to Future Climate Policy Instruments

Björn Dransfeld2, Aki Kachi, Dennis Tänzler, Stephan Hoch, Axel Michaelowa; (2015)

Analysis of Possible New Market Mechanisms Pilot Activities beyond the PMR

Analysis of Possible New Market Mechanisms Pilot Activities beyond the PMR

Björn Dransfeld2, Axel Michaelowa, Stephan Hoch, Matthias Honegger; (2015)

IRENA Handbook on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), 2nd Edition

IRENA Handbook on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), 2nd Edition

Axel Michaelowa; Björn Dransfeld1, Alberto Galante; (2014)

Developing Sectoral Mechanisms in the Transition Period towards a New Climate Treaty

Developing Sectoral Mechanisms in the Transition Period towards a New Climate Treaty. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency

Björn Dransfeld1, Stephan Hoch, Axel Michaelowa, Matthias Honegger; (2014)

Universal metrics to compare the effectiveness of climate change adaptation projects.

Universal metrics to compare the effectiveness of climate change adaptation projects. Published in: Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation

Martin Stadelmann, Axel Michaelowa, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Michel Köhler1; (2014)

Limiting Climate Change by fostering Net Avoided Emissions

Limiting Climate Change by fostering Net Avoided Emissions: Reducing Fossil Fuel Supply and Emissions from Fuel Exploitation. Published in Carbon & Climate Law Review

Michel Köhler1, Axel Michaelowa; (2014)

Saved health, saved wealth: an approach to quantifying the benefits of climate change adaptation

Saved health, saved wealth: an approach to quantifying the benefits of climate change adaptation. Published by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Michel Köhler1, Axel Michaelowa; (2013)

Guidance for NAMA design: Building on Country Experiences. Guidebook developed for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Guidance for NAMA design: Building on Country Experiences. Guidebook developed for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Søren Lütken, Stefan Wehner1, Björn Dransfeld1; (2013)

Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner

Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner. CDKN Report published by Germanwatch e.V. and Perspectives GmbH

Michel Köhler1, Lisa Junghans, Sven Harmeling, Daniela Boos, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Axel Michaelowa; (2013)

Chancen und Barrieren für Technikanbieter bei CDM und JI

Chancen und Barrieren für Technikanbieter bei CDM und JI. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency; Climate Change Nr. 13/2012. FKZ: 3710 41 502

Björn Dransfeld1, Michel Köhler1, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Axel Michaelowa, Camilla Bausch, Eike Dreblow, Jenny Tröltzsch; (2012)

Cities and Carbon Finance: A feasibility study on an Urban CDM

Cities and Carbon Finance: A feasibility study on an Urban CDM. Report of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Marc André Marr, Stefan Wehner1; (2012)

Market-based mechanisms in a post 2012 climate change regime

Market-based mechanisms in a post 2012 climate change regime. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency (UBA)

Paula Castro, Matthias Duwe, Michel Köhler1, Elizabeth Zelljadt; (2012)

New market mechanisms for mitigation

New market mechanisms for mitigation - Getting the incentives right? Published in Carbon markets or climate finance? - Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World, edited by Axel Michaelowa

Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Björn Dransfeld1, Martin Cames, Axel Michaelowa, Sean Healy; (2012)

Market mechanisms for adaptation

Market mechanisms for adaptation - an aberration or a key source of finance? Published in Carbon markets or climate finance? - Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World, edited by Axel Michaelowa

Axel Michaelowa, Michel Köhler1, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer; (2012)

Mobilising Mitigation Policies in the South through a Financing Mix

Mobilising Mitigation Policies in the South through a Financing Mix, in ‘Carbon Markets or Climate Finance? Published in Carbon markets or climate finance? - Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World, edited by Axel Michaelowa

Daisuke Hayashi, Stefan Wehner1; (2012)

Design of the post-2012 climate regime

Design of the post-2012 climate regime: Sectoral approaches for greenhouse gas mitigation - Discussion paper: Incentives for mitigation investments. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency

Björn Dransfeld1, Axel Michaelowa, Martin Cames, Sean Healy; (2011)

Supported NAMA for Sustainable Housing in Mexico

Supported NAMA for Sustainable Housing in Mexico - Mitigation Actions and Financing Packages. Report for CONAVI

Matthias Krey, Stefan Wehner1, contribution to CONAVI, SEMARNAT; (2010)

Supported NAMA design concept for energy-efficiency measures in the Mexican Residential Building Sector

Supported NAMA design concept for energy-efficiency measures in the Mexican Residential Building Sector. Paper developed by Point Carbon and Perspectives Climate Change

Stefan Wehner1, Matthias Krey, Fernanda Gusmao, Daisuke Hayashi, Axel Michaelowa, Nelson Sam; (2010)

PoA Blueprint KfW Bankengruppe

KfW Bankengruppe, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), contribution (2010): PoA Blueprint Book - Guidebook for PoA coordinators under CDM/JI, 2. Revised Edition.

Björn Dransfeld1, Stefan Wehner1, Daisuke Hayashi, Axel Michaelowa, Mareike Niemann, Marc André Marr, Nicolas Müller, Matthias Krey, Carolyn S. Neufeld, Klaus Oppermann; (2010)



1 as employee of Perspectives GmbH
2 Project led by Perspectives GmbH
3 Project led by New Climate Institute, Germanwatch and 2°Investing Initiative

The Sustainable Infrastructure Pension

The Sustainable Infrastructure Pension

Michel Köhler, Doctoral thesis, Europa-Universität Flensburg; (2024)

Effectiveness of Climate Finance – How to Enhance the Impact Measurement

Effectiveness of Climate Finance – How to Enhance the Impact Measurement

Berta Argueta, Raju Pandit Chhetri,Lena Dovidat, David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Jannik Landwehr, David Ryfisch, Stefan Wehner; (2024)

Towards a political compromise on the contributor base question within the NCQG

Towards a political compromise on the contributor base question within the NCQG

Berta Argueta, Julia Grimm, David Eckstein, Lena Dovidat, Michel Köhler, David Ryfisch; (2024)

Additional potential of energy efficiency for the enhancement of Albania’s NDC 2030

Additional potential of energy efficiency for the enhancement of Albania’s NDC 2030

Entela Kallamata, Michel Köhler, Lasse Ohlsen, Edlir Vokopola, Stefan Wehner; (2023)

State of implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures

State of implementation of energy efficiency policies and measures

Dritan Gorica, Michel Köhler, Lasse Ohlsen, Edlir Vokopola, Stefan Wehner; (2023)

Manual for monitoring the NDC 2021-2030

Manual for monitoring the NDC 2021-2030

Entela Kallamata, Michel Köhler, Edlir Vokopola, Stefan Wehner; (2023)


Process Proposal for Defining the New Collective Quantified Goal

Process Proposal for Defining the New Collective Quantified Goal

Bertha Argueta, Björn Dransfeld, David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Michel Köhler, David Ryfisch; (2022)

Just Transition Finance

Just Transition Finance

Bertha Argueta, Julia Grimm, Michel Köhler, Jannik Landwehr, David Ryfisch; (2022)

Is 1.5°C within Reach in the Asia-Pacific Region?

Is 1.5°C within Reach in the Asia-Pacific Region?

Mozaharul Alam, Björn Dransfeld, Riina Haavisto, Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Lubomir Kalniev, Christine Nettersheim, Aneta Nikolova, Amy Reggers, Hannah Ryder, Sudhir Sharma, Katinka Weinberger, Samira Yasmin; (2021)

Making finance flows consistent with the Paris Agreement: Opportunities and challenges concerning Article 2.1c

Making finance flows consistent with the Paris Agreement: Opportunities and challenges concerning Article 2.1c

Alexandra Goritz, Christine Nettersheim, David Ryfisc; (2021)

Access to climate finance for the most vulnerable

Access to climate finance for the most vulnerable

Bertha Argueta, Raju Pandit Chhetri, David Eckstein, Michel Köhler; (2021)

Accelerating implementation of the paris agreement in the Asia-Pacific region

Accelerating implementation of the paris agreement in the Asia-Pacific region

Aneta Nikolova, Björn Dransfeld, Christine Nettersheim, Hannah Ryder, Jascha Deeken, Katinka Weinberger, Lasse Ohlsen, Mallory Bellairs, Michel Köhler, Stefan Wehner, Stefanos Fotiou; (2020)

The USD 100 billion goal and lessons learned for the future of international climate finance

The USD 100 billion goal and lessons learned for the future of international climate finance

Christine Nettersheim, Julia Grimm, Martin Voss, Michel Köhler, Raju Pandit Chhetri, Sven Harmeling; (2020)

Options for the post-2025 climate finance goal

Options for the post-2025 climate finance goal

Raju Pandit Chhetri, Björn Dransfeld, Sven Harmeling, Michel Köhler, Christine Nettersheim; (2020)

Progress of NDC Implementation in Asia Pacific

Progress of NDC Implementation in Asia Pacific – Framework and Preliminary Findings

Aneta Nikolova, Hannah Ryder, Mallory Bellairs, Mozaharul Alam, Sudhir Sharma and Björn Dransfeld; (2020)

Indicators for sustainable development under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Indicators for sustainable development under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Aki Kachi, Silke Mooldijk and Björn Dransfeld; (2020)

Indicators for the promotion of sustainable development in carbon market mechanisms

Indicators for the promotion of sustainable development in carbon market mechanisms

Thomas Day, Tessa Schiefer, Ritika Tewari, Aki Kachi, Carsten Warnecke, Silke Mooldijk, Björn Dransfeld, Stefan Wehner, Laura Brauhardt; (2020)

A Strategic Approach towards 100% Renewable Energy in Seychelles

A Strategic Approach towards 100% Renewable Energy in Seychelles

Stefan Wehner, Björn Dransfeld, Michel Köhler; (2020)

Exploring the Potential of the Seychelles Pension Fund to Finance the Renewable Energy Transition

Exploring the Potential of the Seychelles Pension Fund to Finance the Renewable Energy Transition

Michel Köhler; (2019)

Off-Grid Renewable Energy for Climate Action

Off-Grid Renewable Energy for Climate Action

Philipp Blechinger, Michel Köhler, Clara Jütte, Sarah Berendes, Christine Nettersheim; (2019)

Transparency of Support – Development of the Common Tabular Format

Transparency of Support – Development of the Common Tabular Format

Michel Köhler, Christine Nettersheim and David Ryfisch; (2019)

Determining the Needs of Developing Countries to Implement the Paris Agreement and the Convention

Determining the Needs of Developing Countries to Implement the Paris Agreement and the Convention

Jean Paul Brice Affana, Björn Dransfeld, Sven Harmeling and Raju Pandit Chhetri; (2019)

District Energy Projects: MRV Framework Guidance

District Energy Projects: MRV Framework Guidance

Stefan Wehner, contributions from Pilar Lapuente Fuentes, Xianli Zhu, Sonja Malicevic, Benjamin Hickman, Romanas Savickas, Lipeng Zhang, Zhuolun Chen, Celia Martinez Juez; (2019)

Transparency of Support – Development of the Common Tabular Format

Transparency of Support – Development of the Common Tabular Format

Michel Köhler, Christine Nettersheim and David Ryfisch; (2019)

Determining the Needs of Developing Countries to Implement the Paris Agreement and the Convention

Determining the Needs of Developing Countries to Implement the Paris Agreement and the Convention

Jean Paul Brice Affana, Björn Dransfeld, Sven Harmeling and Raju Pandit Chhetri; (2019)

District Energy Projects: MRV Framework Guidance

District Energy Projects: MRV Framework Guidance

Stefan Wehner, contributions from Pilar Lapuente Fuentes, Xianli Zhu, Sonja Malicevic, Benjamin Hickman, Romanas Savickas, Lipeng Zhang, Zhuolun Chen, Celia Martinez Juez; (2019)

CFAS Climate Finance Guide: COP24 Katowice

CFAS Climate Finance Guide: COP24 Katowice

Raju Chhetri, Björn Dransfeld, David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Christine Nettersheim; (2018)

Predictability of International Climate Finance under the Paris Agreement

Predictability of International Climate Finance under the Paris Agreement

Christine Nettersheim, Michel Köhler; (2018)

Achieving 100% Renewable Energies for Small Island Developing States

Achieving 100% Renewable Energies for Small Island Developing States

Stefan Wehner, Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer, Björn Dransfeld, Michel Köhler, Sünje Callsen, Christine Nettersheim; (2017)

CFAS Policy Brief: Status quo of international Adaptation Finance

CFAS Policy Brief: Status quo of international Adaptation Finance

Raju Pandit Chhetri, Michel Köhler, Björn Dransfeld, Christine Nettersheim; (2017)

CFAS Policy Brief: Transparency of Support Received

CFAS Policy Brief: Transparency of Support Received

Sandra Guzmán, Björn Dransfeld, Christine Nettersheim, Michel Köhler; (2017)

Global MBM Sheme for international Aviation

Design of an Offset System as Global MBM Sheme for international Aviation in the Light of the Paris Agreement

Andreas Arvanitakis, Björn Dransfeld; (2017)

Investing in Ambition

SD-Benefits in Future Market Mechanisms under the UNFCCC

Björn Dransfeld, Stefan Wehner, Tanushree Bagh, Patrick Bürgi, Ingo Puhl, Madlaina Zegg, Valentin Friedmann, Stephan Hoch, Matthias Honegger, Axel Michaelowa, Linde Warland; (2016)

India's pathway to 100% renewable power generation

Policy Brief 11/2016:
India's pathway to 100% renewable power generation

Felix Röben, Michel Köhler; (2016)

Investing in Ambition

Investing in Ambition

Lutz Weischer, Linde Warland, David Eckstein, Stephan Hoch, Axel Michaelowa, Michel Koehler, Stefan Wehner; (2016)

EBRD Cement roadmap

Low Carbon Roadmap for the Egyptian Cement Industry

Bruno Vanderborght, Francisco Koch, Laurent Grimmeisen, Stefan Wehner, Piet Hein Heersche, Jean-Pierre Degré; (2016)

CFAS Climate Finance Guide for COP 22

CFAS Climate Finance Guide for COP 22

David Eckstein, Julia Grimm, Christine Grüning, Sven Harmeling, Henriette Imelda, Michel Köhler, Raju Pandit; (2016)

CFAS Fact Sheet - Reporting of climate finance under the UNFCCC

Reporting of climate finance under the UNFCCC

Sandra Guzmán, Michel Köhler, David Eckstein; (2016)

Developing 2°C-Compatible Investment Criteria

Developing 2°C-Compatible Investment Criteria

Contributions from Michel Köhler, Björn Dransfeld, Elena Steffens3; (2015)

How Energy Efficiency Cuts Costs For A 2-Degree Future

How Energy Efficiency Cuts Costs For A 2-Degree Future

Jakob Wachsmuth, Hanna Fekete, Björn Dransfeld, Felix Röben, Vicki Duscha, Matthias Reuter, Markus Hagemann, Niklas Höhne; (2015)

Practicability of Transitioning from CDM to Future Climate Policy Instruments

Practicability of Transitioning from CDM to Future Climate Policy Instruments

Björn Dransfeld2, Aki Kachi, Dennis Tänzler, Stephan Hoch, Axel Michaelowa; (2015)

Analysis of Possible New Market Mechanisms Pilot Activities beyond the PMR

Analysis of Possible New Market Mechanisms Pilot Activities beyond the PMR

Björn Dransfeld2, Axel Michaelowa, Stephan Hoch, Matthias Honegger; (2015)

IRENA Handbook on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), 2nd Edition

IRENA Handbook on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), 2nd Edition

Axel Michaelowa, Björn Dransfeld1, Alberto Galante; (2014)

Developing Sectoral Mechanisms in the Transition Period towards a New Climate Treaty

Developing Sectoral Mechanisms in the Transition Period towards a New Climate Treaty. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency

Björn Dransfeld1, Stephan Hoch, Axel Michaelowa; Matthias Honegger; (2014)

Universal metrics to compare the effectiveness of climate change adaptation projects

Universal metrics to compare the effectiveness of climate change adaptation projects. Published in: Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation

Martin Stadelmann, Axel Michaelowa, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Michel Köhler1; (2014)

Limiting Climate Change by fostering Net Avoided Emissions

Limiting Climate Change by fostering Net Avoided Emissions: Reducing Fossil Fuel Supply and Emissions from Fuel Exploitation. Published in Carbon & Climate Law Review

Michel Köhler1, Axel Michaelowa; (2014)

Saved health, saved wealth: an approach to quantifying the benefits of climate change adaptation

Saved health, saved wealth: an approach to quantifying the benefits of climate change adaptation. Published by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Michel Köhler1, Axel Michaelowa; (2013)

Guidance for NAMA design: Building on Country Experiences. Guidebook developed for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Guidance for NAMA design: Building on Country Experiences. Guidebook developed for United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Søren Lütken, Stefan Wehner1, Björn Dransfeld1; (2013)

Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner

Assessment how food security-related elements of national climate change strategies can harness international climate finance in an effective manner. CDKN Report published by Germanwatch e.V. and Perspectives GmbH

Michel Köhler1, Lisa Junghans, Sven Harmeling, Daniela Boos, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Axel Michaelowa; (2013)

Chancen und Barrieren für Technikanbieter bei CDM und JI

Chancen und Barrieren für Technikanbieter bei CDM und JI. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency; Climate Change Nr. 13/2012. FKZ: 3710 41 502

Björn Dransfeld1, Michel Köhler1, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Axel Michaelowa, Camilla Bausch, Eike Dreblow, Jenny Tröltzsch; (2012)

Cities and Carbon Finance

Cities and Carbon Finance: A feasibility study on an Urban CDM. Report of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Marc André Marr, Stefan Wehner1; (2012)

Market-based mechanisms in a post 2012 climate change regime

Market-based mechanisms in a post 2012 climate change regime. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency (UBA)

Paula Castro, Matthias Duwe, Michel Köhler1, Elizabeth Zelljadt; (2012)

New market mechanisms for mitigation

New market mechanisms for mitigation - Getting the incentives right? Published in Carbon markets or climate finance? - Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World, edited by Axel Michaelowa

Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer, Björn Dransfeld1, Martin Cames, Axel Michaelowa, Sean Healy; (2012)

Market mechanisms for adaptation

Market mechanisms for adaptation - an aberration or a key source of finance? Published in Carbon markets or climate finance? - Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World, edited by Axel Michaelowa

Axel Michaelowa, Michel Köhler1, Sonja Butzengeiger-Geyer; (2012)

Mobilising Mitigation Policies in the South through a Financing Mix, in ‘Carbon Markets or Climate Finance?

Mobilising Mitigation Policies in the South through a Financing Mix, in ‘Carbon Markets or Climate Finance? Published in Carbon markets or climate finance? - Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World, edited by Axel Michaelowa

Daisuke Hayashi, Stefan Wehner1; (2012)

Design of the post-2012 climate regime: Sectoral approaches for greenhouse gas mitigation

Design of the post-2012 climate regime: Sectoral approaches for greenhouse gas mitigation - Discussion paper: Incentives for mitigation investments. Report for Research project of German Environmental Agency

Björn Dransfeld1, Axel Michaelowa, Martin Cames, Sean Healy; (2011)

Supported NAMA for Sustainable Housing in Mexico

Supported NAMA for Sustainable Housing in Mexico - Mitigation Actions and Financing Packages. Report for CONAVI

Matthias Krey, Stefan Wehner1, contribution to CONAVI, SEMARNAT; (2010)

Supported NAMA design concept for energy-efficiency measures in the Mexican Residential Building Sector

Supported NAMA design concept for energy-efficiency measures in the Mexican Residential Building Sector. Paper developed by Point Carbon and Perspectives Climate Change

Stefan Wehner1, Matthias Krey, Fernanda Gusmao, Daisuke Hayashi, Axel Michaelowa, Nelson Sam; (2010)

PoA Blueprint KfW Bankengruppe

KfW Bankengruppe, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), contribution (2010): PoA Blueprint Book - Guidebook for PoA coordinators under CDM/JI, 2. Revised Edition.

Björn Dransfeld1, Stefan Wehner1, Daisuke Hayashi, Axel Michaelowa, Mareike Niemann, Marc André Marr, Nicolas Müller, Matthias Krey, Carolyn S. Neufeld, Klaus Oppermann; (2010)



1 as employee of Perspectives GmbH
2 Project led by Perspectives GmbH
3 Project led by New Climate Institute, Germanwatch and 2°Investing Initiative


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